Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quick Post : Legacy

I googled "Swtor Legacy level cap" on a whim today, (because I'm curious and think of random stuff like that out of nowhere) and ended up on the Swtor forums, where I saw a screenshot of a guy who's Legacy was level 40 ... a month ago. My question is : how? How many characters has he leveled to 50? I have loads of free time and I have a couple alts already, and my Legacy is only level 4. FOUR! Am I the only idiot who's Legacy level is so low? 

Speaking of Legacy, I'm really anxious to get more info about it. Oh like maybe new playable races? Fuck me, I'd have to roll new alts! Or delete some I already have and remake them...  If I could roll a Togruta (Ashara Zavros' race) I would reroll ALL THE TOONS... no, but seriously, I would definitely make one. I don't care what class. They're just so damn cool.

WTB Legacy info nao!


  1. I think I'm like... legacy level 20? Or 19. I dunno. What level are your alts? You get more legacy experience depending on how much experience you're getting and higher levels do tend to get more.. um.. yeah that was obvious. hurr... good job Monty. ANyway... sorry.

    I'm really excited about legacy too :D it would be super cool if new races were available or class/race combos or something! I would be 100% with you on the needing new alts or deleting people who already exist! None of my main people probably but... minor alts? yes. One hundred times yes!

  2. Yeah, I figured it might be something like that. I have two alts below lvl 15, one 24, one 26, and my sorcerer is lvl 34, but she was the one who unlocked the Legacy. Heh, I guess as I get more characters past 30, it will level faster.

    And oooooh new combos! That's be sweet! You'll have to make more toons on Kaas City. *wink*

    1. Yeah yeah I'm sure it'll speed up once you have higher level characters!

      And I will have to. So I can have some sweet legacy action going on over there! Once someone gets high enough for it that is XD

  3. To be honest, it could just be a highly level capped 50, grinding like mad on dailies and quests. I think you get far more legacy XP doing that, than you do leveling an alt.

    1. I didn't think of that, but it does make sense.

  4. Togruta and Nautolan are my most wished for races. Say it's so Bioware...
